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Thursday, September 8, 2011

I love you because...

So... my Hubs & I don't have this "perfect" relationship but I do have to say we have a pretty awesome one.  We used to argue constantly about little things and fight a lot-- then we got married & I don't know what it was but it just stopped. I mean we have been together for 8 years now so 14 to 22 yeah I'd say I've grown up, matured, went from a kid to a young adult to an adult & we became parents.  I'm sure our young age had a lot to do with it but I can tell you now we fight on very very rare occasions & argueing doesn't happen much either--maybe a couple times a month.  Now, like I said we aren't perfect we do have our flaws but we are very happy with one another and our relationship there are parts where we could & are working on... to be honest with you he thinks we need to grow closer romantically (like any man probably) & I just feel like I need to be apprieciated a little more and in ways that mean the most to me.  I like gifts, I like compliments I just like to know that I am appreciated.  So this past weekend we were discussing this & we decided that at least once a day we would tell eachother why we love them.  So, here lately we say this a lot...
I love you because...
This is awesome it's just a simple reminder of how awesome that person is and how much they mean to us and it really points out the things that mean a lot to us even if it is simple little things.  I'm sure many of you have seen on Pinterest this amazing idea---

well... I bought 3 picture frames and plan to do this exact thing but we will each have our own frame :)
I'm excited to see how it turns out and get to read it everyday. 

Also check out how awesome the Hubs listens to my wants & needs--

this was left for me after a long night with Maddux he got woke up a couple times because Maddux wouldn't quit crying so he knew I was upset/frusterated and so he left this for me to wake up too... he put it in the bathroom where he knew I would see it! It instantly made my day. I'm seriously blessed. :)

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